Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camden and Trenton Railway traverses BSP

The John Stephenson Company of Elizabeth, NJ provided cars such as this wood interurban to the Camden and Trenton Railway.

This map shows the route of the Camden and Trenton Railway. The shaded area depicts the location of White City Amusement Park.

In December 1900, the Camden and Trenton Railway applied to the Hamilton Township Committee for permission to extend track for a junction with existing trackage north of Crosswicks Creek, via private right-of-way, in a northwesterly direction along the line of the present Emeline and Independence Avenues. The proposed route turned northeast onto Park Avenue for three blocks then northeast again along Schiller Avenue. A short stretch of private right-of-way carried the proposed routing to the Hamilton-Trenton boundary at Lalor Street. The Trenton extension was completed in April 1901 and on Wednesday, May 1, 1901, the first trip was made over the new trackage. Suffering from what today would be known as deferred maintenance, the Camden and Trenton Railway was in run-down condition when a new company, The Riverside Traction Company, took over in 1910. Improvements made the service more dependable and the Riverside line enjoyed a period of relative prosperity until automobiles began to lure passengers away from the trolleys in the 1920s.
Source: The Riverside Line, The Story of the Camden and Trenton Railway by Barker Gummere

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